Why we are special

The idea of having an app explaining where and how to recycle is of course not a new one and many others did something similar before us. Yet we at YouSort have created something new because we integrated the process of recycling from the moment the product is bought at the supermarket to the moment it is being recycled.

Through partnerships with supermarkets and grocery stores, our users know at the very moment they buy their product what type of waste it produces and where should it be thrown away, with both the location and the type of bins being indicated.

By integrating the producer (supermarkets) into the process, our app is also trying to reconnect the producer and the consumer of the products, which means that we are trying to make people know that recycling is not only about the end user but that each member of the chain, from the producer to the consumer, must be implicated in the recycling process. We believe that by making that link between all the members of the chain, our app is going to make those users more aware of the interconnectedness which is existing in the recycling process, to avoid letting all the burden of recycling fall on the end user, leading in the end to an improvement of the recycling rate because we know that the easier it is to recycle, the more it is going to be done by the public.

The major obstacle to the development of eco-friendly behavior is the cost of those behaviors, costs which can be expressed in terms of money, time, organization etc.

With our app not only we are reducing the cost of time and organization through a simplification of the recycling process, our product is also standing out through the development of an economic partnership with supermarkets participating in our recycling process (by marking their products through QR code as explained in the beginning).

This economic partnership not only helps people know how and where to recycle, but also provides economic advantages to recycling because the more products are recycled, the more you win “eco-points” which will give you reductions through our network of partners, thus granting you an economic advantage. Who said being eco-friendly must be costly? With our app, our users are both being eco-friendly and saving money, and we believe that the fact that our users can save money by using our application is what differentiates us the most from competition.